Giving Love a second chance?

Well, to be very honest; got to see lot of ups and downs in life, struggling with career, failure, financial crisis, family dispute, loneliness, being bullied. Stood up tall and faced everything and never crumbled to anything. This was the first instance that broke the willingness to live. There was an existential crisis experienced, but some how acceptance of the fact and surrendering to the incident made things a little easy. 

Things changed with me, stopped believing in anything. Trust was trash to me now. Love was something made me motion sick, may be the way Love made me travel from one disappointment to other, sickness was inevitable. Again in school we were taught, "When suffering is unavoidable, enjoy it". There I was enjoying suffering to an extent that tears reverse paraded as they were wise enough to understand, being shed for the wrong reason....

 9 months 21 Days and few minutes later

After exactly taking a rebirth, the question arises, can love be given a second chance? Can the heart open up again? Can there be a new playlist? Is there room for someone? Is there any feelings left to be felt? Is there any sufferings left to be suffered? Will there be again a hollowness? Can the scars come back in lights? Will this heart again beat 120 bmp? Will there be better butterflies? Will there be awk stuck moments?

Well, while listing the questions I realised, they aren't real doubts. They are just fears!

Love isn't comparing past, present and what is about to happen. Its all about celebrating the flaws in the most perfect ways. It is like finding someone with the same wavelength, where you can blend in and dissolve. Well, can love be defined? 

Well, if it can't be defined or quantified, why are we all running after it?

It's not giving love or life a second chance, its making another effort to make things selfishly better for yourself...



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